Green Nomads Wild Places


Visit some of the most remote and beautiful places of south and west Australia in Green Nomads Wild Places, Bob Brown and partner Paul Thomas’s three-month adventure across Australia.

This is a photographic and written record of a journey that took them first by yacht and then by road along the coasts and by-ways of southern Australia. They floated in hidden harbours and on ancient rivers, climbed over age-old rock formations, and camped at isolated Bush Heritage Australia properties, revelling in the beauty of the natural universe. Bob Brown and Paul Thomas remind us how extraordinary and diverse is our natural world.

Green Nomads Wild Places is a superb companion to Green Nomads, the book of their first 19,000 kilometre journey inland through eastern Australia, which followed Bob’s retirement after 16 years in the Senate.

ISBN: 9781743794975
ISBN-10: 1743794975
Audience: General
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 240
Published: December 2018
Country of Publication: AU
Dimensions (cm): 24.3 x 20.3 x 2.5